
您在何种场合认识申请人?认识申请人已有多长时间How did you get to know the applicant?How long have you known each other? (限定5行,否则PDF打印将显示不全) )(In 5 lines.)

如果满分为10分,您对申请人的推荐度为几分?On a 10-point scale, with 10 representing your strongest recommendation, how strongly do you recommend the applicant? (限定5行,否则PDF打印将显示不全) )(In 5 lines.)

你对申请人印象最深刻的一件事是什么?Based on your experiences with the applicant, what comes to mind as their most impressive characteristic? Please reference one or more specific experiences. (限定5行,否则PDF打印将显示不全) )(In 5 lines.)

请用具体事例详述申请人与同位人(同龄或同背景或同职位等)相较的长项和短项。Using concrete examples, identify some of the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses as compared to their peers of a similar age, position or background. (限定5行,否则PDF打印将显示不全) )(In 5 lines.)


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