


推荐信 Letter of Recommendation


Recommender Notes:
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) came into being in 1991, which seeks excellent participants from diverse academic and professional backgrounds. According to the university’s development orientation of “being a multi-disciplinary research university with distinguishing financial features”, the overall goal of “building a first-class socialist university under the modernized, internationalized and informationized development framework”, the open-door concept, and the international business education trends, SUFE resumed college of business in early 2011 to integrate the disciplines’ strength and advantages, build the flagship project of business education, improve the business education’s content and quality, and commit to high-level and innovative business leaders’ cultivation for China and the world. Hence applicants’ personal qualities are as important as their academic ability and working experience. This reference letter is an important component of our admission process.
Please fill in the form by your own. When completed, please submit the letter online. It will be highly appreciated if you upload your business card. We will keep it strictly confidential. Thank you!
We may contact you for further information and confirmation. Please indicate whether or not you agree with this arrangement.
Name of Applicant:

Name of Referee:

Title or Position:

Company Name:

Telephone No.:

E-mail Address:

Address & Postcode:

我与被推荐人认识于,迄今  年。

1. 您在何种场合下结识申请者?您对他/她的了解程度如何?
Under what circumstances have you known the applicant? How do you know about him/her?

2. 请以下列几个标准对申请者做出评估:
Please evaluate the applicant according to the following criteria:

3. 与近年来您所了解的与申请人处于同一职位或相近年龄的人相比,您如何评价申请人?
Compared with this people you know of the same age or level as the applicant, how would you rate this applicant?

4. 请陈述您认为申请者的主要优点及不足。
What do you consider as the applicant’s most outstanding merit(s) and primary weaknesses?

5. 您认为申请者具备足够的能力完成MBA项目吗?请详细说明,以及您认为申请人最适的发展前途是什么?
Do you believe the applicant has enough abilities to complete the MBA Program? Please explain. And in your opinion, what is the applicant’s potential for career development?

6. 请给出您对被推荐人的总体评价。
Do you recommend the applicant for admission to MBA of SUFE?


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