





1、您认识申请人有多久?是何种联系?请说明你们的接触频率。 How long have you known the applicant and in what context? Please comment on the frequency of your interaction. *

2、就您所知,申请人与同级相比工作能力如何? 取得过哪些重要成绩?As far as you know, how does the applicant work compared to his or her peers? What important achievements has the applicant achieved? *

3、请评估申请人在以下方面给您留下的印象。 Please evaluate the following aspects of the applicant.
职业态度 Professionalism * 强项 Strength 一般 Average 弱项 Weakness
分析和解决问题能力 Analytical and Problem Solving Ability * 强项 Strength 一般 Average 弱项 Weakness
人际交往与团队精神 Interpersonal Skill/Team Work * 强项 Strength 一般 Average 弱项 Weakness
沟通表达能力 Communication Skills * 强项 Strength 一般 Average 弱项 Weakness
领导能力 Leadership Ability * 强项 Strength 一般 Average 弱项 Weakness
创新能力 Innovation Ability * 强项 Strength 一般 Average 弱项 Weakness
其他能力 Other Ability
如果您填写了其他能力,请注明。 If you mention the other ability, please specify. 强项 Strength 一般 Average 弱项 Weakness

4、复旦MBA项目的目标是培养具有全球视野又深谙中国国情的“青年精英,未来领袖” 。您认为申请人在多大程度上符合此目标?并请给出您的理由。The goal of the Fudan MBA program is to cultivate “Young elite, future leader” with a global perspective and a deep understanding of China’s national conditions. How much do you think the applicant meets this goal? Please give your reasons. *

5、根据您的职业经历,以申请人的同级为参照,您如何评估申请人? Based on your professional experience, how do you rate this applicant compared to her/his peer group. * 无法判断 Unable to assess 差 Below average 中 Average 优 Very good (well above average) 优异 (前10%) Excellent (top 10%) 杰出(前5%) Outstanding (top 5%) 我职业生涯中见过的最优秀的人 The best encountered in my career


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